Recently I was asked for resources surrounding cryptocurrency, the blockchain, and the smart contract space, and how to begin and how to hack it. The following is a short list of free resources, for you to quickly get up to speed with this exciting technology.
How do we test smart contracts?
A review process for ethereum smart contracts: Auditing Smart Contracts
Mastering Ethereum: Book
Learn to code Blockchain DApps by building simple games: Crypto zombies
Solidity by example: Solidity
Solidity programming: Solidity lang
Community guides and resources: Learn Ethereum
The Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based war-game inspired on overthewire: Ethernaut
Video on learning how to audit Ethereum Smart Contracts: Learn How to Audit Ethereum Smart Contracts
Getting Started in Blockchain Security and Smart Contract Auditing: BHIS | Getting Started in ...
How to Audit an NFT Project: Smart Contracts 101 ...
Dive into the advanced auditing tools used in the smart contract space: Advanced Smart Contract Security and Auditing Tools
Explore the fundamentals of security and auditing in the smart contract space: Smart Contract Security and Auditing 101
An interactive session focused on smart contract security: How To Find Solidity Vulnerabilities
Learn about the DAO hack of Ethereum and spend a little time experimenting with the Solidity language: Advanced Smart Contract Hacking
Attack methodology
Abraham Kang, Sr. Director Software, Samsung: An Overview of Blockchain-Based Smart Contract Security Vulnerabilities
SWC Registry
Smart Contract Weakness Classification and Test Cases: Smart Contract Weakness ...
The offensive security playground for decentralized finances: Damn Vulnerable DeFi
The Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame inspired on overthewire: Ethernaut
Smart contract auditor road maps: Auditors road map
Additional resources
A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references, guidance, tools, and more: Awesome Ethereum Security
As a disclaimer, please do your own research, and none of the content provided is in any way financial advice.